In today’s world, having money in your pocket is becoming increasingly difficult. With temptation at every corner in a consumer driven society, resisting the urge to turn your money over for short term pleasures and impulse purchases is easier said than done. Not only that, if you do manage to put away something away in a savings account at the bank, interest rates are so low that it hardly seems worth it. A lifetime of corporate slavery seems inevitable.
That was my mindset for a longtime. But then I learned to take control of my spending, started saving, and even went on to become an investor. Furthermore, I was not just a corporate slave during my working career but also a credit junkie, owing some $16,000 to various banks and credit card companies.
But I managed to clean up my financial position, grow my net worth and build enough capital to put me in a position where I don’t have to work for money anymore. I let my money work for me. This website is centred on sharing my experiences about my relationship with money, and the ups and downs of my financial life. There is a blog to share some of the mistakes and learning points I made along the way, and an eBook with my entire story.